Those Avani avittam days………decades ago….
Born in a Brahmin Iyer family recollect those Avani avittam days we used to spend during our childhood.
What is Avani Avittam??????
เฎเฎตเฎฃி เฎ
เฎตிเฎ்เฎเฎฎ் เฎเฎฉ்เฎฉுเฎฎ் เฎเฎฃ்เฎுเฎ் เฎเฎเฎ்เฎு เฎเฎชเฎจเฎฏเฎฉเฎฎ் เฎெเฎฏ்เฎคு เฎொเฎฃ்เฎ เฎชிเฎฐாเฎฎเฎฃเฎฐ் เฎเฎி เฎ
เฎฒ்เฎฒเฎคு เฎเฎตเฎฃி เฎฎாเฎคเฎ்เฎเฎณிเฎฒ் เฎ
เฎตிเฎ்เฎเฎฎ் เฎจเฎ்เฎเฎค்เฎคிเฎฐเฎค்เฎคிเฎฉோเฎு เฎூเฎிเฎฏ เฎชௌเฎฐ்เฎฃเฎฎிเฎฏிเฎฒ் เฎเฎைเฎชிเฎிเฎ்เฎுเฎฎ் เฎตเฎดிเฎชாเฎாเฎுเฎฎ். เฎเฎคு เฎฐிเฎ்,เฎฏเฎுเฎฐ்เฎตேเฎคிเฎเฎณ் เฎொเฎฃ்เฎாเฎுเฎฎ் เฎคிเฎฉเฎฎாเฎுเฎฎ். เฎாเฎฎ เฎตேเฎคிเฎเฎณ் เฎชிเฎณ்เฎณைเฎฏாเฎฐ் เฎเฎคுเฎฐ்เฎค்เฎคி เฎคிเฎฉเฎค்เฎคிเฎฒ் เฎொเฎฃ்เฎாเฎுเฎตเฎฐ். เฎเฎคு เฎเฎฐ் เฎூเฎ்เฎுเฎตเฎดிเฎชாเฎு เฎเฎுเฎฎ். เฎเฎจ்เฎจாเฎณிเฎฒ் เฎ
เฎฉைเฎตเฎฐுเฎฎ் เฎเฎฑ்เฎฑเฎ்เฎเฎฐைเฎฏிเฎฒோ เฎுเฎณเฎ்เฎเฎฐைเฎฏிเฎฒோ เฎுเฎณிเฎค்เฎคு เฎเฎค்เฎคเฎைเฎฏ เฎเฎเฎ்เฎிเฎฉை เฎเฎฐுเฎตாเฎ்เฎிเฎฏ เฎเฎฐுเฎிเฎเฎณுเฎ்เฎு เฎจเฎฉ்เฎฑி เฎூเฎฑி เฎคเฎฐ்เฎช்เฎชเฎฃเฎฎ் เฎெเฎฏ்เฎตเฎฐ். เฎคเฎจ்เฎคை เฎเฎฒ்เฎฒாเฎคเฎตเฎฐ்เฎเฎณ் เฎคเฎ்เฎเฎณ் เฎฎூเฎคாเฎคைเฎฏเฎฐுเฎ்เฎு เฎเฎณ்เฎณுเฎฎ் เฎ
เฎฐிเฎிเฎฏுเฎฎ் เฎจீเฎฐிเฎฒ் เฎொเฎுเฎค்เฎคு เฎคเฎฐ்เฎช்เฎชเฎฃเฎฎ் เฎெเฎฏ்เฎตเฎฐ். เฎชிเฎฉ்เฎฉเฎฐ் เฎคாเฎ்เฎเฎณ் เฎ
เฎฃிเฎจ்เฎคுเฎณ்เฎณ เฎชூเฎฃூเฎฒைเฎช் เฎชுเฎคுเฎช்เฎชிเฎช்เฎชเฎคோเฎு เฎคเฎ்เฎเฎณ் เฎตேเฎคเฎ்เฎเฎณைเฎช் เฎชเฎிเฎ்เฎเฎตுเฎฎ் เฎคொเฎเฎ்เฎுเฎตเฎฐ்.
เฎเฎฎเฎுเฎிเฎฐுเฎคเฎค்เฎคிเฎฒ் เฎเฎคு เฎเฎชாเฎเฎฐ்เฎฎா เฎเฎฉ เฎตเฎดเฎ்เฎเฎช்เฎชเฎுเฎிเฎฑเฎคு. เฎเฎคเฎฉ் เฎชொเฎฐுเฎณ் เฎคொเฎเฎ்เฎเฎฎ் เฎเฎฉเฎชเฎคாเฎுเฎฎ். เฎเฎฉ்เฎฑைเฎฏ เฎคிเฎฉเฎฎ் เฎตேเฎคเฎ்เฎเฎณை เฎชเฎிเฎ்เฎ เฎคுเฎตเฎ்เฎ เฎจเฎฒ்เฎฒเฎจாเฎณ் เฎเฎฉเฎ் เฎொเฎณ்เฎณเฎฒாเฎฎ்.
Born in a large family with sisters, brothers, sister in law , brother in law and parents ,athais, periyappas, uncles, etc it used to be a happy family yearly function with the mean wearing poonal replacing the old poonal with new ones. Boys who have not had upanayanam and not having poonal go from house to house carrying a stick or thadi or vadi with a koupithanam or kovanam a piece of cotton cloth attached to the end . In each house the group of young boys wearing veshti and having vibhoothi on forehead assemble and utter as below in chorus the following lines
Avani avittam kovanam,
Ambi poranthal Shobhanam
Akka porantha Ukkarai,
Ammaan porantha Ayiram panam,
Patti porantha Bakshanam
Patta porantha Pazhukka Vadi”
Samidhadhanam one compulsory ritual meant for those having thalaior thale avani avittam which means first avani avittam after the upanayanam, marriage, ,etc when yagnam, homam, etc are made, The parents of Brahmacharis or others bring from home neyyappam and othr neivedyams to be offered to God and later distributed to all participants.
Again it is considered to be a good day to start learning Veda Aarambam means beginning and mantras uttered to recite Vedas , mantras etc in the process of learning by all.
There are four vedas..Rig, yajur, sama and Adharva.
Some important words or pronunciations of these vedas are uttered starting study of vedas on this auspicious day
The Brahmin households used to listen to the song, gift each boy with a coin anna or naya paisa or pence or quarter (USA) and provide silk or cotton kovanam to be worn by the male children ,This work the children finish by 8 AM and then take idli with chutney etc as breakfast.Children keep the coins as their savings and buy some gifts etc or go to some cinema etc
Meanwhile parents would have taken bath,at home ,,the men do the following rituals wearing pachagacham and women wearing Madisar pudavai .
Sandhyavandhanam after achamanam, sankalpam , Gayathri japom, etc ,etc
Then they utter Kamokakshi Japam
They have to say the japam 1008 times and get ready to go to the temple nearing a river or pond to perform other functions.
We belong to Yaurveda ..
Some details for this year 2020
Year sharvari
Month karkataka
Nakshtram thiruvonam or uthirattadhi depending on time
These are the various activities meant for men
We children used to go to the Vishweswaram siva temple adjacent to Vadakke chirai water tank or kulam in Trichur along with Appa, annas, etc for Avani Avittam .
Those who know swimming jump from the surrounding walls of the pond or tank and take bath before starting Brahmayagnam ,We children stand nearby and see all these
Then inside the temple in the verandas the vadhyars would have arranged places for homam, pooja etc along with flowers, and leave for poojas.
Mainly poonal, pavithram and dharbai are required for the whole functions along with panchpathram, udharini, warter, rice, ellu and a towel to wsah hands along with betel leaves and paakku and plantains for offering to pooja.
The head vadhyar commences with loud chiming voice…..
Yajurved Brahmayagnam…Achamya…Achuthaya namaha, Anathya namha..Govinda, Madhava, Krishno, Madhusoodhana Thrivikrama ,Vaman, risheekesa, Padmanabha, Damodhara.
Procedure Notes
Sit in Kukustana with hands between legs
Twist the right palm so that the little finger, ring finger and middle finger are stretched while first finger is bent inwards forming a hollow in the middle of the palm. The thumb will remain separate from the first finger.
Put a small quantity of water from the vessel in the right hand palm (only a small quantity of water should be taken), swallow (not sip) this water uttering:
Om Achutaya Namah
Repeat 3 above uttering two times each repeating
Om Anantaya Namah
Om Govindaya Namah
Clean your mouth (lips) with water and wash hand
Recite the following mantras
Om keshavaaya namaH
thumb to touch right cheek
Om naaraayaNaaya namaH
thumb to touch left cheek
Om maadhavaaya namaH
ring finger to touch right eye
Om govindaaya namaH
ring finger to touch left eye
Om vishhNave namaH
index finger to touch right nostril
Om madhusuudanaaya namaH
index finger to touch left nostril
Om trivikramaaya namaH
little finger to touch right ear
Om vaamanaaya namaH
little finger to touch left ear
Om shriidharaaya namaH
middle finger to touch right shoulder
Om hR^ishhiikeshaaya namaH
middle finger to touch left shoulder
Om padmanaabhaaya namaH
four fingers to touch navel
Om daamodaraaya namaH
four fingers to touch head
Thereafter Maha Brahma Yagnam is sone followed by Deva rushi tharpanam
Have marks on your forehead. Vibhuthi, sandal powder.etc.
achyuthaaya namaha, ananthaaya namaha; govindhaaya namaha. Drink water poured in your right palm. Then say kesava. Narayana, madhava, Govindha, Vishnu madhu sudana, thrivikrama, vaamana hrishikesa, padmanabha, damodara.touch the parts in your face.
Chuklaamparadharam vishnum sasi varnam chathur bhujam prasanna vadhanam dhyaayeeth sarva vignopa santhaye. Knock your forehead 5 times with your fingers closed.
Om bhuhu, ombhuvaha,om suvaha; om mahaha, om janaha, om thapaha; okum satyam om thathsa vithur varenyam bargo they vas ya thee mahai ;thi yoyonaha prachothayaath. ,om aapo jyothiraso amritham brahma om bhur bhuva suvarom.
Mamo paaththa samastha dhurithayak shayathwara sri parameswara preeth yartham brahma yagnam karishyeh. Brahma yagyena yakshayey.
Vidhyu thasi vidhyamay paapmaana mruthaath. Clean your hands with water.
Place your right hand palm in your right thigh facing upwards and place your left hand palm facing down chant the mantras.
Om bhuhu thath sa vithur varenyam om bhuvaha bargo devasya deemahi ogum suvaha the yo yonaha pracho tha yaath;
Om bhuhu thathsa vithur varenyam bargo devasya deemahi om buvaha dhiyoyonaha prachothayaath.
Ogum suvaha thathsa vithur varenyam, bargo theyvasya thee mahai thiyo yonaha pra cho thayaath.
Harihi om agni meelae prohitham yagyasya thevam rith vijam hothaaram rathna dhaathamam.harihi om
Harihi om ishethva uurjethva vaaya vastha upaaya vastha dhevova savitha prarpayathu shreshta tha maaya karmane. Harihi om
Harihi om agna aayaahi veethaye krunaana havya dhaathayeh nihothaa sathsi barhishi harihi om.
Harihi om sanno devi rapi ishtaye aapo bhavanthu peethayeh samyo abisrava nanthunaha. Harihi om.
Om bhur bhuvas suvaha sathyam thapaha srath thaayaam juhomi saying this pour one uthirini of water
Around your head.
Say this manthra three times with your both hands in namaskara bhaavam.
Om namo brahmane namo asthu agnaye namah pruthviyai namaha oshatheebyaha namo vache namo vachaspathaye namo vishnavey braha they karomi.
Saying vrushtirasi vruschamay papmana mruthaath wash your hands.
Deva rishi pithru tharpanam karishye.
Poonal in usual position=(valam), pour water in your palms which will run away by your finger ends.
Brahma dayo yeh devaa thaan devan tharpayaami; sarvan devan tharpayami; sarva deva ganan tharpayami; sarva deva pathnis tharpayami sarva deva gana pathnis tharpayami.
Wear poonal as maalai.
Pour water from your smaalest finger basement area.
Krishna dhvai paaya naathaaya yeh rishyaha thaan rishigums tharpayaami; sarva rishi ganams tharpayaami; sarva rishi pathnis tharpayaami; sarva rishi gana pathnis tharpayaami; prajaapathim
kaanda rishim tharpayaami; somam kaanda rishim tharpayaami; agnim kaanda rishi m tharpayaami; visvaan devaan kaanda rishim tharpayaami;
Upaveethi Poonal Valam
Pour water along your finger tips.
Saakum hithi devathaaha upnishathas tharpayaami
Yaakgiki theyvathaahaa upanishathaha tharpayaami; vaarunee theyvathaaha upnishathaha tharpayaami
Havya vaaham tharpayaami;
Wear poonal as malai; pour water from the smallest finger basement area.
Visvaan devan kaanda rishikum tharpayaami;
Brahmaanam svayam buvam tharpayaami. Pour water by your Manikattu ( basement of thumb)
Pour water from the smallest finger basement area
Visvan devan kaanda rishigum tharpayaami; arunaan kaanda rishikum tharpayaami; sathasas pathim tharpayaami;
Upaveethi Poonal Valam
Pour water through your finger tips.
Rik vedam tharpayami; yajur vedam tharpayami; sama vedam tharpayami; atharvana vedam tharpayami; ithihaasa puraanam tharpayaami; kalpam tharpayaami
Praacheenaa veethi
Poonal idam- pour water from in between thumb and index finger.
Soma pithruman yamo angeerasvan agni kavya vaahanaathaya yeh pitharaha thaan pithrun tharpayaami; sarvaan pithroon tharpayaami; sarva pithru ganaan tharpayaami; sarvapithru pathnees tharpayaami; sarva
pithru gana pathnees tharpayaami uurjam vahantheehi amrutham grutham payaha keelaalam parisutham svathaastha tharpa yatha may pithrun thrupyatha; thrupyatha thrupyatha;.
Upaveethi Poonal Valam
Aa brahma sthampa par yantham jagath thrupyathu saying this pour water through your base of thumb.
Aachamanam. Kaayena vaacha manase indiriyairva budhyaath manaa vaa prakruthey svabaavaath karomi yathyath sakalam parasmy sree mon naaraayanaa yethi samarpayaami. Om thath sath.
Separator - Divider - Red
Then you do Deva Rishi Pithru tharpanam using only water..
After this you have Upakarma maha sankalpam
Vadhyar will uttering the mantras and Brahmins having poonal sitting in front repeat whatever vadhyar says carefully .
Then comes Yagnopaveeetha dharanam that is changing or wearing new poonal
If you are a bachelor you wear a set of poonal having three threads, and two sets by married men and three sets worn by married men having child.
เฎเฎเฎฎเฎฉเฎฎ்: เฎเฎฎ் เฎ
เฎ்เฎฏுเฎคாเฎฏ เฎจเฎฎ: เฎเฎฎ் เฎ
เฎฉเฎจ்เฎคாเฎฏ เฎจเฎฎ: เฎเฎฎ் เฎோเฎตிเฎจ்เฎคாเฎฏ เฎจเฎฎ: เฎตிเฎ்เฎฉேเฎ்เฎตเฎฐ เฎค்เฎฏாเฎฉเฎฎ்: เฎுเฎ்เฎฒாเฎฎ் เฎชเฎฐเฎคเฎฐเฎฎ் เฎตிเฎท்เฎฃுเฎฎ் เฎเฎி เฎตเฎฐ்เฎฃเฎฎ் เฎเฎคுเฎฐ்เฎช்เฎชுเฎเฎฎ் เฎช்เฎฐเฎธเฎฉ்เฎฉ เฎตเฎคเฎฉเฎฎ் เฎค்เฎฏாเฎฏேเฎค் เฎธเฎฐ்เฎต เฎตிเฎ்เฎฉ เฎเฎชเฎாเฎจ்เฎคเฎฏே เฎช்เฎฐாเฎฃாเฎฏாเฎฎเฎฎ்; เฎเฎฎ் เฎชூ:, เฎเฎฎ் เฎชுเฎต:, เฎเฎுเฎฎ் เฎธூเฎต: เฎเฎฎ் เฎฎเฎน:, เฎเฎฎ் เฎเฎจ:, เฎเฎฎ் เฎคเฎช:, เฎเฎுเฎฎ் เฎธเฎค்เฎฏเฎฎ், เฎเฎฎ் เฎคเฎค்เฎธ เฎตிเฎคுเฎฐ் เฎตเฎฐேเฎฃ்เฎฏเฎฎ், เฎชเฎฐ்เฎோ เฎคேเฎตเฎธ்เฎฏ เฎคீเฎฎเฎนி, เฎคிเฎฏோ เฎฏோเฎจ: เฎช்เฎฐเฎோเฎคเฎฏாเฎค், เฎเฎฎாเฎช: เฎ்เฎฏோเฎคீเฎฐเฎธ:, เฎ
เฎฎ்เฎฐுเฎคเฎฎ் เฎช்เฎฐเฎน்เฎฎ, เฎชூเฎฐ்เฎช்เฎชுเฎตเฎธ் เฎธூเฎตเฎฐோเฎฎ். เฎเฎฎ் เฎเฎฎ் เฎเฎฎ் – เฎเฎฉ்เฎฑு เฎตเฎฒเฎคு เฎாเฎคைเฎค் เฎคொเฎเฎตேเฎฃ்เฎுเฎฎ். เฎธเฎ்เฎเฎฒ்เฎชเฎฎ் เฎฎเฎจ்เฎคிเฎฐเฎฎ், เฎฎเฎฎோเฎชாเฎค்เฎค เฎธเฎฎเฎธ்เฎค เฎคுเฎฐிเฎคเฎ்เฎทเฎฏเฎค்เฎตாเฎฐா เฎธ்เฎฐீ เฎชเฎฐเฎฎேเฎธ்เฎตเฎฐ เฎช்เฎฐீเฎค்เฎฏเฎฐ்เฎค்เฎคเฎฎ், เฎ்’เฎฐௌเฎคเฎธ்เฎฎாเฎฐ்เฎค்เฎค, เฎตிเฎนிเฎคเฎธเฎคாเฎாเฎฐ, เฎจிเฎค்เฎฏเฎเฎฐ்เฎฎாเฎฉுเฎท்เฎாเฎฉ, เฎฏோเฎ்เฎฏเฎคாเฎธிเฎค்เฎคเฎฏเฎฐ்เฎค்เฎคเฎฎ், เฎช்เฎฐเฎน்เฎฎเฎคேเฎ: เฎ
เฎชிเฎต்เฎฐுเฎค்เฎฏเฎฐ்เฎค்เฎคเฎฎ், เฎฏเฎ்เฎோเฎชเฎตீเฎค்เฎคாเฎฐเฎฃเฎฎ் เฎเฎฐிเฎท்เฎฏே. เฎเฎฉ்เฎฑு เฎเฎฒเฎค்เฎคை เฎคொเฎ்เฎு เฎฏเฎ்เฎோเฎชเฎตீเฎค்เฎคாเฎฐเฎฃ เฎฎเฎนா เฎฎเฎจ்เฎค்เฎฐเฎธ்เฎฏ, เฎชเฎฐเฎช்เฎฐเฎน்เฎฎ เฎฐிเฎทி: เฎเฎฉ்เฎฑு เฎคเฎฒைเฎฏிเฎฒ் เฎคொเฎ்เฎு เฎค்เฎฐுเฎท்เฎுเฎช் เฎเฎจ்เฎค: เฎเฎฉ்เฎฑு เฎฎூเฎ்เฎு เฎจுเฎฉிเฎฏிเฎฒ் เฎคொเฎ்เฎு เฎชเฎฐเฎฎாเฎค்เฎฎா เฎคேเฎตเฎคா:เฎเฎฉ்เฎฑு เฎฎாเฎฐ்เฎชிเฎฒ் เฎคொเฎ்เฎு เฎฏเฎ்เฎோเฎชเฎตீเฎค்เฎคாเฎฐเฎฃ เฎตிเฎจிเฎฏோเฎ: เฎเฎฉ்เฎฑு เฎชூเฎฃுเฎฒ் เฎฎுเฎிเฎ்เฎு เฎตเฎฒเฎคு เฎเฎณ்เฎณเฎ்เฎைเฎฏிเฎฒ் เฎฎேเฎฒே เฎเฎฐுเฎ்เฎுเฎฎ் เฎชเฎிเฎฏுเฎฎ் เฎเฎเฎคு เฎை เฎเฎฒเฎฎிเฎฐுเฎ்เฎுเฎฎ் เฎชเฎ்เฎ เฎชாเฎค்เฎคிเฎฐเฎค்เฎคிเฎฒ் เฎตைเฎค்เฎคுเฎ் เฎொเฎฃ்เฎு เฎฏเฎ்เฎோเฎชเฎตீเฎคเฎฎ், เฎชเฎฐเฎฎเฎฎ் เฎชเฎตிเฎค்เฎฐเฎฎ் เฎช்เฎฐเฎாเฎชเฎคே: เฎฏเฎค்เฎธเฎนเฎเฎฎ் เฎชுเฎฐเฎธ்เฎคாเฎค்,เฎเฎฏுเฎท்เฎฏเฎฎ் เฎ
เฎ்เฎฐிเฎฏเฎฎ் เฎช்เฎฐเฎคிเฎฎுเฎ்เฎ เฎு’เฎช்เฎฐเฎฎ், เฎฏเฎ்เฎோเฎชเฎตீเฎคเฎฎ் เฎชเฎฒเฎฎเฎธ்เฎคுเฎคேเฎ: เฎเฎฎ் เฎเฎฉ்เฎฑு เฎூเฎฑி เฎชுเฎคிเฎฏ เฎชூเฎฃுเฎฒைเฎช் เฎชோเฎ்เฎுเฎ் เฎொเฎณ்เฎณ เฎตேเฎฃ்เฎுเฎฎ். เฎชிเฎฐเฎฎ்เฎฎเฎாเฎฐிเฎเฎณ் 1เฎชூเฎฃுเฎฒ், เฎคிเฎฐுเฎฎเฎฃเฎฎ் เฎเฎฉเฎตเฎฐ்เฎเฎณ் 2 เฎชூเฎฃுเฎฒ் เฎชெเฎฐிเฎฏோเฎฐ்เฎเฎณ் 3 เฎชூเฎฃுเฎฒ் เฎเฎฃ்เฎฃிเฎ்เฎைเฎฏிเฎฒ் เฎ
เฎฃிเฎจ்เฎคு เฎொเฎณ்เฎณ เฎตேเฎฃ்เฎுเฎฎ். เฎிเฎฒ เฎுเฎฒเฎค்เฎคிเฎฉเฎฐுเฎ்เฎு เฎฎூเฎฉ்เฎฑு เฎฎுเฎி เฎชூเฎฃுเฎฒ் เฎ
เฎฃிเฎจ்เฎคு เฎொเฎณ்เฎณுเฎฎ் เฎชเฎดเฎ்เฎเฎฎ் เฎเฎณ்เฎณเฎคு. เฎเฎเฎฎเฎฉเฎฎ்: เฎเฎชเฎตீเฎคเฎฎ் เฎชிเฎฉ்เฎฉเฎคเฎจ்เฎคு เฎீเฎฐ்เฎฃเฎฎ் เฎเฎธ்เฎฎเฎฒ เฎคுเฎทிเฎคเฎฎ் เฎตிเฎธ்เฎฐுเฎாเฎฎி เฎช்เฎฐเฎน்เฎฎ เฎตเฎฐ்เฎ்เฎ: เฎเฎฒேเฎธ்เฎฎிเฎฉ் เฎคீเฎฐ்เฎ்เฎாเฎฏுเฎฐเฎธ்เฎคுเฎฎே เฎเฎฎ் เฎเฎฉ்เฎฑு เฎெเฎชிเฎค்เฎคு เฎชเฎดைเฎฏ เฎชூเฎฃுเฎฒைเฎ் เฎเฎดเฎฑ்เฎฑி เฎตเฎเฎคிเฎைเฎฏிเฎฒோ เฎ
เฎฒ்เฎฒเฎคு เฎเฎฒเฎค்เฎคிเฎฒோ เฎชோเฎ เฎตேเฎฃ்เฎுเฎฎ். เฎเฎคเฎฉ் เฎชிเฎฑเฎு เฎฎீเฎฃ்เฎுเฎฎ் เฎเฎเฎฎเฎฉเฎฎ் เฎெเฎฏ்เฎฏเฎตுเฎฎ், เฎชிเฎฐเฎฎ்เฎฎเฎ்เฎாเฎฐிเฎเฎณ் เฎเฎுเฎช்เฎชுเฎ்เฎเฎฏிเฎฑு, เฎคเฎฃ்เฎเฎฎ்-เฎฎเฎจ்เฎคிเฎฐเฎฎ் เฎொเฎฒ்เฎฒி เฎ
เฎฃிเฎฏ เฎตேเฎฃ்เฎுเฎฎ். เฎเฎคைเฎฏுเฎฎ் เฎชเฎிเฎ்เฎเฎฒாเฎฎே: เฎฎுเฎ เฎตเฎீเฎเฎฐเฎฎ் เฎชெเฎฑ เฎเฎคเฎตுเฎฎ் เฎฎுเฎฐுเฎเฎฉ் เฎคுเฎคி เฎชூเฎฃூเฎฒ் เฎ
เฎฃிเฎฏுเฎฎ் เฎฎเฎจ்เฎคிเฎฐเฎฎ் (เฎ
) เฎชூเฎฃூเฎฒ் เฎฎเฎฑ்เฎฑுเฎฎ் เฎฎเฎจ்เฎคிเฎฐเฎฎ் เฎฎேเฎฒே เฎொเฎுเฎ்เฎเฎช்เฎชเฎ்เฎுเฎณ்เฎณเฎคு. เฎเฎคு เฎชோเฎฉ்เฎฑ เฎฎேเฎฒுเฎฎ் เฎชเฎฒ เฎฎเฎจ்เฎคிเฎฐเฎ்เฎเฎณ் เฎชเฎฒเฎตเฎฑ்เฎฑை เฎ
เฎฑிเฎฏ เฎเฎ்เฎเฎณோเฎு เฎเฎฃைเฎจ்เฎคிเฎฐுเฎ்เฎเฎณ். English Overview: Here we have Yagnopaveetham mantra in Tamil. This is also called as Poonal changing mantra in Tamil. This mantra needs to be chant during a Poonal function.
After changing poonal we have to do kandarshi tharpanam using water ellu, rice and water,,
With that Avani avittam is over for the day and we return home for heavy meals consisting Appam, vadai, Uppittu, rice, aviyal, pappadam etc
Gayathri Japam 1008 times next day we have to chant or utter next day
Girls under age of say ten also accompany us to the temple for Avani avittam wearing pattu or silk pavadai etc and enjoy the mantras as well as neivedyam etc . Women are at home making all arrangements like providing veshti, vibhoothi materials,.etc to husband and taking bath and wearing madisaru pudavai and chanting daaily slokas..d
When we return home after Avani avittam two women sing a song for dhrishti or. Called Aarathi song or something inviting the great person inside house with. all good future and then only allow us inside house.
The plate with aarathi water is thrown out by two women after taking out and sharing the coins
It is requested youngsters also participate and do Avani avittam every year, It is just like a retreat or our doing pooja for all wring things done by during the yar and promising with mantras to follow the path meant for a Brhamin
Bachelors are also requeted to wear poonal and it is treated as a licence for getting married and othr men also wear poonal which gives you some inherent strength and power,
Women among Brahmins donot wear poonal
There may be errors in may notes above which please correct in your comments
This year on account of restrictions prevailing
Thank you
Raghavan Chennai