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Monday, November 02, 2015

Life is to live...........

Dear friends, messengers of God, parents and friends of   Family…..please read…..
Life is a rightful period of existence provided to us by God. We continue to live passing through various stages. In the process some of us encounter certain ailments, physical and mental discomforts, etc which get cured by gifts of God and through Medical treatments, etc which are available in plenty nowadays. Let us   pray God to make the whole universe disease free and also provide permanent remedies for all types of physical and mental ailments.

Advancement of science   and technology has made any sickness curable and research going on in discovering permanent solutions for producing insulin within human body without aid of medicine or eliminating occurrence of other diseases affecting the brain. There were no medicines for certain cancer like Leukemia, etc…a few years back, but are found curable now.   Similar is the case of complete eradication of Small Pox or Malaria which have also been eliminated in various countries including India. Global polio eradication   program initiated by Governments in collaboration with World Health Organization, etc are progressing well in eliminating many contagious and infectious diseases universally. I have heard  that in the past say some of my nearest relatives were victims of attacks of what  we call the present variation in Blood Sugar,Tuberculosis,etc as there were not recognized systems of   medical  diagnosis, analysis and prescription of drugs were for cure  ..Similar was the case and   vaccination for polio, etc which had not vaccines such as Triple antigen etc being now administered for children after birth. Public are required to take advice or  consultation cum advice  from General Practitioners for  availing  all immunization programs, administration of vaccines,etc in time

Let the humanity understand the need to avail the benefits of immunizations and vaccination etc for diseases like Dengue, Typhoid, Meningitis, Polio, other fevers, flu, etc, etc and avoid occurrence of such dreadful diseases to the children and elders later. Let us also take steps in avoiding mosquito bites  polluted water ,etc by keeping our surroundings clean and avoiding  surroundings   likely  to cause infectious including some fast  food ,aerated waters, ,etc and it  is also requested  not to resort to self medication and   take any medicine   under  the guidance of your Doctor,
In various blogs and websites  and Medical reports  and Health groups,etc,we are privileged to read and know much about the causes of various sickness, precautions,  short time and log time effects, precautions, advice from forums, etc, etc for guidance of the common man as well as those who are affected with such ailments, etc, They are useful for the teeming millions of population and useful for the medical profession for observing, recording and analyzing  various factors associated with such new diseases found .

 In this connection I have added in my blog…..My experiments about Meningitis, Asthma, Hypertension, etc, an autobiography …for guidance, precaution and information of humanity….Please go through the same and feel informed and benefitted..My story is one of fighting    Bacterial meningitis and survival thereof along with attendant incidents, precautions, etc as considered relevant to the subject.
The sorry narrated by me  reports the occurrence of Meningitis, symptoms, immediate action taken by relatives in referring to Medical  Profession and the timely action taken by the Physician  and  Surgeons etc and the post disease care etc  and the assistance or help rendered  by  relatives and  friends  ,Doctors,etc,  mitigating and solving  any   any   other  problems to me
Health is Wealth….in achieving this objective in  life   let us make use of all tools available in the world including possessing knowledge through various websites , blogs, common discussions,etc,,and spread the knowledge to all....

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