I wish to add how and ENT Specialist ...was taught medicine by our father.
Dr.Sabapthy a college mate of our Dr. Narayanan used to be a inpatient in our house at Anneyappa Blaock when he was in the copurse of his studying MBBS at Bangalore Medical College and our Narayanan also being his college colleague...
During his spare time he used to study medicine , love classmates, nurses, etc and spend happy Medical Course.
He used to be given a kalluthalagani by our father as he used to be a night stayer in our house...and used to sleep well and donot take bath for many days etc.
In the course of his stay I rmemeber his asking our father names of medicines for hinm to prescribe/practisse as an Intern.
Appa used to give him names like Sedanol,Tedral,Deriphyllin,Bestnasol...all these he used to note in a slip not his memory.
After completing his course...with extended period over 5 years he came and aksed ..//Raghavan I want to open a Clinic near Banswadi and want a name good name for the clinic. I suggested him the name END CLINIC....meaning wo ever went to the clinic had their end there...not seriously..
So this is another part of the story.
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