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Friday, August 05, 2016

Walking daily is a requirement.....

Why should one start walking ?

We are advised by our Physicians and others at home to walk atleast 30 to 60 minutes daily.One of the best things we can do for our body ,mind and spirit is by walking brisk daily In addition to burning extra calories of our system,it helps reduce unwanted weight in the body.One of the ways of reducing obesity is by walking 5 miles per day..

If we are inactive by remaining idle at home,adding a 20 minute brisk walk would reduce our premature death risk as much as 30 percent

Walking is considered as an exercise to prevent heart disease Also it reduces LDL bad cholesterol and increases HDL..Good chloresterol .For diabetics it increases uses of insulin and helps maintain normal blood sugar level ...

It is also reported useful  for avoiding Dementia,tones body,prevents miscarriage,and beneficial to breast cancer patients...

There are many more advantages of walking...for human beings.  Let us make use of the benefits by daily walking...

The Maths of walking and not losing weight..

If you eat fewer calories than you use daily you lose weight

If you eat more calories than you use daily,you gain weight.

Hence to lose weight you need to eat lesser calories and /or burn more calories

Mind is the most valuable part of human body.Thinking talking,imagining,writing,etc involve activity of brain or mind.In the process of daily walk we can make use of the mind by thinking many a matter and writing down them later .We can preserve many important posts in blogs for use .The activity of brain and the physical activity through walk help us improve our health.

While in India being a senior citizen with possible deterioration in health  I had made it compulsory to walk daily.In USA  where I am now on visit also I try to continue with daily walk.

Ofcourse I ask my spouse also to walk daily as it is required more for  her being a little obese .We go for walk separately lest we may talk other matters if we go together during walk.

While Ultraviolet rays of sun  and radiation , other  rays  may be harnful to humans,it is preferable to avoid hot sun during walk.

This matter I thought while I went for walk today..

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