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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Amma learning computer Lesson 7

Lesson no..7...

Computer learning lesson no. 7
Good morning teacher
I have logged into yahoo  Gmail…what to do now..

You have many other items like folders,.drafts,trash,spam..etc  which you   can   see  and  use  for mails  ..Also mail sent,etc..
Then you have chatting messenger.,,msn messenger..Google talk etc
What is Google Talk?’
In g mail account..You can add friends to your Google account with whom you can chat talk etc
Under Gmail you .have Google + where u can have photos etc stored..Then Google drive..Where you can save documents, spreadsheets, database etc..
Similarly you can register or open account in Skype  also
Here you can have video talk and chatting etc of members added by you
Here also you have password..etc..
So be careful about all accounts remember the user id log in input the pass word
Also after the work is over log out of yahoo g mail etc
Also shut down the computer and do not switch off power
There are other things like tools bar, status bars, favorites..Benchmarking ‘all these u can log in and learn   they are all user friendly
Also you have under tools history..Browsing data..Clearing browsing data etc..

I think you have enough basic knowledge of computer,,
Proceed using them properly
Also you can have a face book account..and use it for many purposes…to communicate with the world and people
Good bye,

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